The library will be closed Monday February 17th in observance of Presidents Day

Discover New Titles with Our Book Lists!

Check out our rotating selection of staff-curated book lists and find your next favorite read! Manually cycle through the lists by clicking the dots, then click on the book cover to find it in our catalog. SEPTEMBER 11 EXHIBITION – SUGGESTED READING: CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE: PRIDE 2021 – FICTION & NON-FICTION: BEACH READS: EYE-CATCHING COVERS: STAFF … Continued

We’re open! Come in and see us!

The library is now open! No appointment necessary! Come in and see us at your convenience, as we have returned to our normal open hours. Effective Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7:00 AM, the public is required to wear a facial covering when entering Town Hall, Flint Memorial Library, or Edith O’Leary Senior Center.  This … Continued

Access Ebooks & Magazines from Home

Downloadable e-audiobooks and e-books are always available thanks to OverDrive, Inc. Connect to OverDrive online or use the Libby app from your smartphone or tablet to browse and download titles. Borrow up to 5 items for 7, 14 or 21 days, a loan period you set yourself. You can also place holds on titles that are … Continued

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