Beginning October 7th, we will be implementing a booking system for the Anderson Study Rooms (day-of, in-person booking) and the Local History Room (online, up to a week in advance, or in-person). For more information, please speak with a staff member.

The 2024 Fall Book Sale is upon us! Mark your calendars with the following donation dates and book sale dates:

Donation Days:
Saturday 11/2: 10am – 2pm
Sunday 11/3: 10am – 2pm
Monday 11/4: 10am – 2pm, 6pm – 8pm

Book Sale Dates:
Tuesday 11/5: Kids Only Preview 3pm – 5pm
Wednesday 11/6: Friends Only Day 10am – 5pm
Thursday 11/7: 10am – 8pm
Friday 11/8: 10am – 5pm
Saturday 11/9: 9am – 3pm

Donating and purchasing books supports library programs, including children’s summer reading and special guests, technology, and museum passes not funded by the town’s operating budget.

Please review the following donation guidelines to help us have a great sale:

What to donate?  Books in great shape that you would buy at a book sale for yourself, your family, or to gift– both adult and children’s. Very clean books especially wanted—both fiction and non-fiction. Books you loved and would like to share.

What NOT to donate?  Books in poor condition, smelly, moldy, or heavily marked. Textbooks, encyclopedias, condensed books, VHS tapes, magazines, travel books more than 5 years old, computer books more than 2 years old.

The Friends of the Flint Memorial Library appreciate the community’s support.

Thank you for supporting the library!

Want to volunteer for a future booksale? Please call Jean at 978-664-0516.

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