Genealogy & Local History
Welcome to the Local History Room! Our collection is housed on the 2nd floor of the library and contains many materials documenting North Reading’s past, including:
- Bound editions of the North Reading Transcript
- North Reading High School yearbooks (1958-present)
- Town Annual Reports (1855-present)
- Historical town maps
- Materials by and about famous North Reading residents, such as Rufus Porter, George F. Root, and Clara Louise Burnham
- Photographs, postcards, and oral history tapes and transcripts
- Prominent local families’ genealogies
- Street lists (1965-present) and telephone directories
Browse all of our online resources below:
- NEW!! Check out our historical photo archive on Flickr!
- Ancestry
- FamilySearch
- North Reading High School Yearbooks [view online]
- North Reading Transcript Archive [view 1956-2013 online]
- Rare local texts:
- North Reading’s register of historical buildings, structures, and objects [view online]
- Town Annual Reports [view 1855-1899 online]
You can find more local and state resources here:
- Digital Commonwealth
- Flint Memorial Library Local History Blog
- Leventhal Map Center: Boston & New England Maps
- Massachusetts Archives
- Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System
- Massachusetts List of Vital Records to 1850
- Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the Civil War (Database via Ancestry)
- Massachusetts, U.S., Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War (Database via Ancestry)
- North Reading Historical and Antiquarian Society